We clean the steam generator from scale: citric acid, vinegar and other means to get rid of plaque

The steam generator is practically indispensable in the household. This multifunctional device saves time and effort and makes life easier. With its help, you can easily iron linen and clothes, clean carpets, curtains, tiles and much more.

To prevent scale, it is recommended to pour only distilled water into steam generators. But this is not always possible. Tap water contains a large amount of salts, which lead to the formation of limescale. It can greatly spoil the quality of the equipment or even disable it. Therefore, you need to get rid of accumulated lime and carry out cleaning from time to time for prevention. This article contains tips on how to clean a steam generator from lime deposits without resorting to the services of specialists.

Types of steam heaters

Cleaning the steam generator depends on its type. There are two of them:

  1. Pump devices. In such steam heaters, steam is released due to the high pressure that occurs when water evaporates. Pump steam generators are convenient and easy to use. However, they are quite expensive, and their design is complex. Therefore, such devices cannot be cleaned yourself. If problems arise, please contact the service center. In addition, it is recommended to take pump steam generators for preventive inspection 1-2 times a year.
  2. Gravity-flow devices. In these steam heaters, steam is supplied gradually as it evaporates. Gravity-flow generators are easy to use, and you can clean them from scale using improvised means. It is recommended to clean them once a month for prevention, especially if they are used constantly.

Irons from brands such as Philips and Tefal already have a descaling function, so you don’t have to bother with them. As for other devices, you need to wash them yourself. But first, let’s figure out why we need to descale equipment at all?

Preventive measures

Very hard water is the main reason for the formation of large amounts of scale. Ordinary tap water contains a high concentration of alkaline earth metal compounds, which settle on the internal parts of the iron in the form of scale.

In order for the device to serve for a long time and not break down, it is necessary:

  1. use water that has passed through a filter system, melted or distilled;
  2. Clean the device at least 1-2 times a month;
  3. drain the remaining water from the boiler after each ironing;
  4. Do not clean the device with hard sponges or abrasives;
  5. prevent the appearance of a diseased accumulation of scale; at the first signs of salt deposits in the steam generator, clean the device.

To remove scale, do not use products containing hydrochloric acid.

Why is scale dangerous?

Scale is made up of salts, calcium and magnesium. They remain in the steam heater after the water has evaporated and form lime. Limescale can seriously damage an item: it can remain on the fabric in the form of yellow stains or white flakes.

Plaque also conducts heat poorly and does not absorb it. This means that the device will heat up for a long time, spending a lot of energy, and over time it will stop working completely.

Therefore, it is so important to clean the steam heater from it in a timely manner.

Steam generators of new models have a self-shut-off function; it is triggered when there is too much scale in the device. This technique “can” self-clean, that is, to remove scale, it is enough to turn on the cleansing mode and steam a piece of unnecessary fabric. If there is no such function, an unpleasant odor and weak steam pressure indicate the need to clean the steam generator. To achieve the best results, you should clean both the inside (water tank) and the outside (sole) of the device.

How to descale a steam iron

It is quite unpleasant when a steam generator stops performing its functions well due to such a trivial reason as limescale.

If the steam generator is equipped with a self-cleaning function, then the system will independently notify the owner about the need for cleaning and carry out all the necessary actions to clean the iron from lime at the press of a button. This is due to the presence of a special anti-lime rod inside.

To clean the inside of the steam generator from scale at home, you can use the following products:

Lemon acid

  • empty the steam generator of liquid;
  • dilute 2 tablespoons of citric acid in a glass of warm water, previously boiled;
  • pour this composition into the tank;
  • heat the iron and turn on the steam;
  • Now you can disconnect the device from the network and remove the product from the tank;
  • For optimal effect, this procedure can be repeated occasionally.

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Ordinary vinegar allows you to figure out how to clean not only the tank from the deposits that have formed, but also the soleplate from carbon deposits, making the iron with the steaming function completely new:

  • prepare a frying pan, at the bottom of which you need to place two parallel wooden sticks;
  • Place the switched-off iron on this base, making sure that its sole does not touch the bottom of the pan;
  • prepare the composition, for this you need to dilute a glass of 9% vinegar in a liter of water or 5 tablespoons of citric acid in the same amount of water;
  • pour the mixture into the frying pan, making sure that the lower part of the iron is hidden by 1.5-2 centimeters of liquid;
  • set the steam regulator to the maximum position;
  • heat the pan and bring the mixture to a boil;
  • the liquid should boil for 2 minutes, after which you need to turn off the burner;
  • You can repeat this process 2-3 times;
  • in conclusion, you need to wash the sole of the steam generator under the tap and press the steam button several times;
  • Allow the equipment to dry thoroughly within 24 hours, and then you can use the device again for its intended purpose.

Professional products

There are special products that help clean steam generators from scale. It is best to buy cleaners of the same brand as the steam heater. Some manufacturers, for example, Karcher, sell the cleaning product immediately along with the equipment. Green&Clean and Anti-scale have proven themselves well.

Important! Please read the instructions carefully before use. It tells you how to clean the steam generator without damaging the equipment.

How not to clean a steam generator

Concentrates should not be used for cleaning. When poured into a tank, they corrode parts made from materials that react with acid. It is unacceptable to pour sulfuric and hydrochloric acids. Table vinegar is used at 6 or 9%, and acetic acid should be abandoned.

When cleaning the iron, you should not iron good things, as they may be damaged.

It is unacceptable to clean the iron-steam generator from scale using mechanical methods. Scraping hard deposits from the sole with scrapers, brushes, and other devices will lead to scratches. Once the protective coating is damaged, it is easier to throw away the iron than to repair it.


You can descale the steam generator yourself using vinegar. There are several ways to do this.

Method 1

  1. Pour an aqueous solution of vinegar into the boiler (1:1, no more than 25% of the total volume).
  2. Turn on the device at full power.
  3. Turn on steaming and go over the fabric several times.
  4. Pour distilled water and iron the fabric.
  5. Repeat the procedure.

Method 2

  1. Make a mixture of soda and vinegar (1:5).
  2. Pour the resulting liquid onto a cloth and wipe the surface of the steam heater.
  3. Rinse with warm water and wipe dry.
  4. Steam the unnecessary fabric.

Method 3

It is suitable for cleaning the soleplate of an iron with a steam generator. You can take not only vinegar, but also citric acid:

  1. Place two wooden blocks on the bottom of a deep frying pan.
  2. Place the iron on them with the sole down so that it does not touch the bottom of the container.
  3. Dilute vinegar in water (1:5) and pour it into the frying pan so that the iron goes 1-1.5 cm into it.
  4. Set the steam level to maximum.
  5. Boil the liquid in a frying pan for 1.5-2 minutes.
  6. Rinse the sole and dry for 24 hours.

Cleaning with folk remedies

You can descale a steam generator at home using improvised means. They effectively cope with the task without damaging the working elements of the device. Next, we will look at the simplest and most effective cleaning methods.

Lemon acid

The procedure for cleaning the steamer with citric acid:

  1. Prepare a solution of 1 liter of hot water and 25 g of lemon. Stir the ingredients until the crystals are completely dissolved.
  2. Pour the solution into the reservoir and leave for 15-25 minutes.
  3. Turn on the steamer to maximum temperature and run the steam mode until the liquid has completely evaporated. When cleaning the steam iron, iron unwanted cotton fabric.
  4. At the end of the procedure, pour clean water into the tank, wait 15 minutes, and then drain. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times to completely wash away the citric acid crystals.

Citric acid will help you descale your device quickly, effectively and safely.


Instructions for cleaning a steam iron with vinegar solution:

  1. Mix vinegar and water in equal proportions.
  2. Fill the tank 25% and install it on the station.
  3. Wait 20 minutes and then turn on the appliance at full power.
  4. Set the steam setting and iron the unwanted fabric. This cleaning will additionally remove carbon deposits from the sole of the equipment.
  5. Rinse the tank several times with clean water.

Cleaning a steamer with vinegar solution is effective and affordable, but the process is accompanied by an unpleasant odor. To avoid deterioration in health, carry out the procedure in a well-ventilated area.

Lemon acid

Citric acid is one of the most popular anti-scale agents.

There are several ways to clean a steam generator.

Method 1

  1. Dilute 1 tbsp. l. acid in 1 liter of water.
  2. Pour the resulting liquid into the reservoir.
  3. After 20 minutes, switch the device to maximum steam mode and leave it until the liquid has completely evaporated.
  4. Rinse the device well.
  5. Pour in clean water and evaporate it.

Method 2

In particularly advanced cases, you should disassemble the steam heater and clean it manually from the inside. It is recommended to use this method at least once every 2 years.

The action plan is:

  1. Disassemble the device with a screwdriver. This must be done carefully, preferably according to the instructions.
  2. Wipe off the dust with a dry cloth.
  3. 1 tsp. dissolve citric acid in 1 tbsp. hot boiled water.
  4. Seal all holes in the work surface with tape.
  5. Pour the solution into the boiler. An active reaction will begin and foam will flow out of the holes. It is important to ensure that it does not get on the wires and contacts, and to wipe off any excess with a sponge.
  6. Leave the liquid in the steam generator for half an hour.
  7. Drain the solution along with the removed lime.
  8. Rinse equipment with warm water.
  9. You can clean small holes and hard-to-reach places with a thin brush dipped in lemon juice solution.
  10. Assemble the steam generator, remove the remaining tape and iron a test waste cloth.

Instead of lemon juice, you can use any other descaling agent: Antiscale, vinegar or soap.

Important! Keep in mind that the fumes from vinegar and citric acid smell sharp and unpleasant. Therefore, during the procedure, it is recommended to open the window and turn on the hood.

How to clean any steam generator iron?

The steam generator iron, unlike a boiler, has a simple structure and is characterized by the absence of heating elements. Therefore, when descaling an iron, in addition to distilled water and special cleaning agents, it is not forbidden to use improvised cleaning agents, such as mineral water, citric and acetic acid.

Mineral water

Mineral water at room temperature is poured into the water tank through the filling hole. Then turn on the iron at full power, heat the liquid to the temperature of steam formation and iron the unnecessary fabric in this mode until the liquid has completely evaporated. Then rinse the iron with clean water and use a damp cloth to remove any traces of possible leaks on the body and sole of the iron.

Lemon acid

With this cleaning method, 30 g (two teaspoons) of citric acid are diluted in a glass (250 g) of warm water. The resulting solution is thoroughly mixed. Cleaning an iron with a steam generator is carried out in the following order:

  • fill the reservoir of the device disconnected from the power supply with the resulting solution;
  • leave the solution in the iron tank for 10-15 minutes to settle;
  • connect the device to the power supply network;
  • turn on the device at maximum power;
  • iron old and unnecessary items while simultaneously shaking the device until the liquid completely evaporates;
  • turn off the iron from the mains;
  • Fill the tank with clean water and rinse the container several times.

Acetic acid

Cleaning the iron with a solution of acetic acid is carried out in the same order as when using citric acid. To prepare the washing solution, use 9% table vinegar and clean water in a 1:1 ratio (for 1 glass of water 1 glass of vinegar).

"Antin​akipin" and other special cleaning products.

Special anti-scale cleaners come in the form of tablets, gels, powders, and solutions. To prepare the cleaning solution, follow the instructions included in the instructions. The cleaning process is similar to the previously discussed methods.

Tips for care and use

So that the steam generator does not have to be urgently rescued, there is no need to bring it to this state. Here are a few tips that you can follow to extend the life of your equipment and keep it in good shape:

  1. Rinse the device with clean water before and after use. Drain off the remaining liquid.
  2. Do not try to clean pump steam generators at home - use the services of service centers.
  3. Fill the device only with clean, soft water, preferably distilled or filtered.
  4. If finances allow, you can purchase a water softener. They are sold in household chemical departments.
  5. When cleaning the surface of the steam generator, do not use metal sponges or brushes.
  6. Harsh, abrasive products are contraindicated with Teflon and ceramic coatings.
  7. Salt should also not be used for cleaning.
  8. Always place the steam generator with its nose facing up.
  9. Before first use, read the instructions for use and manufacturer's recommendations.

How to clean a steam generator with citric acid?

Citric acid for cleaning the steam generator
You can clean the steam generator with citric acid. This is a fairly gentle method, since lemongrass does not react as violently as acetic acid.

What to take:

  • Clean water (250 ml).
  • A bag of lemon.
  • Cup.
  • A clean napkin or cloth.

What to do:

  • Dilute the acid in a glass of water.
  • Pour the liquid into the tank and let the steam generator stand for a quarter of an hour.
  • Plug it into a power outlet and select the maximum temperature.
  • Gently shake the device.
  • And then steam the fabric, which you don’t mind, until the water in the tank runs out.
  • Unplug the appliance and wait for it to cool down.
  • Rinse with clean water.
  • Dry with a napkin.

Recommendations for cleaning the surface of the steam generator

Recommendations for operating and cleaning Philips steam generators from scale:

  1. Do not fill the device with tap water.
    It must be passed through a filter that reduces the amount of salts. Scale will not form if you use distilled water.

  2. After using the iron, the water must be drained.
  3. When cleaning the device, be careful not to burn yourself.
  4. It is necessary to drain the water from the steam generator only when the device has completely cooled down.
  5. If after descaling the equipment does not steam, it must be taken to a service center.
  • if the iron singes the fabric, you need to immediately run the soleplate over the cotton-based fabric, which should be slightly damp;
  • Do not clean the surface of the steam generator with hard brushes, so as not to damage the coating;
  • in order to prevent increased scale formation, you should drain the water from the container after each ironing;
  • Only filtered liquid should be used for pouring into the iron.

Methods for descaling a steam generator

First of all, you need to determine the type of steam generator you have. Pump steam stations are equipped with a special function of forced steam supply. However, due to the complex design of such devices, it is not recommended to clean them yourself. To remove scale, you must contact a service center.

Flow-through steam generators have a simple design and are not so demanding to maintain.

Scale from such a device with a built-in water tank is removed in 2 stages:

  1. Clean the boiler.
  2. Remove plaque from the iron itself.

Important! To clean the boiler, use only special products.

You can get rid of scale from a steam generator using professional compounds, traditional methods, or prepare solutions from improvised ingredients that are found in every kitchen.

Dishwashing liquid

Used to remove stains from the body and traces of dirt from the sole of the device . The electrical appliance must be unplugged and allowed to cool completely. A small amount of detergent is applied to a damp soft cloth and the surface is carefully treated. The remains are washed off with a sponge.

Important! This product is strictly prohibited from being used for internal cleaning.

Lemon acid

A universal product for removing old limescale.

Instructions for use:

  1. A packet of citric acid must be dissolved in 1 glass of hot water.
  2. The resulting solution is poured into the tank and left for 20-30 minutes, periodically shaking the contents of the container.
  3. Connect the electrical appliance to the network.
  4. Turn on the steam mode and process the old unnecessary item.
  5. Cleaning is carried out until the liquid evaporates completely.
  6. The reservoir is thoroughly rinsed with purified water.

You can find out how to descale your iron using citric acid here.


The product contains an acid that eats away limescale. The powder is diluted with water in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. The solution is poured into the tank, the device is connected to the network and the appropriate temperature is set. After 30 minutes, the remaining substance is drained and the container is washed with clean water.

Important! This cleaning method does not use the steam function.

Do you use folk recipes for descaling?

Not really

Vinegar and distilled water

Table vinegar 9% is mixed with purified water in equal proportions and used to clean the steam generator.

There are 2 main methods:

  1. The mixture is poured into the container, the device is put into operating mode and the steam supply is activated. Steam the unnecessary item for 15-20 minutes. The remaining solution is drained, the container is washed and limescale deposits are removed from the body.
  2. Fill the container 1/4 full with vinegar diluted with water. The solution is infused for 20 minutes, then the old item is steamed as usual. After the device has cooled, it is necessary to drain the remaining liquid and rinse the reservoir. The advantage of this method is the simultaneous removal of plaque and cleaning of the canals.

Important! During the cleaning process, a strong pungent odor is released, so all manipulations are carried out in a ventilated area. Since vinegar is a rather aggressive component, the mixture must be handled with care.

Mineral water

500 ml of mineral water is poured into the container, the device is brought into working condition and heated to maximum temperature . Activate the steam mode and process the unnecessary fabric until the liquid has completely evaporated and there are no traces of dirt.

The procedure is repeated, but distilled water is poured into the tank and treated with steam. Upon completion of the procedure, the device is disconnected from the network and allowed to cool completely. Using a damp cloth, remove stains on the body and sole of the device.

Important! Mineral water should be at room temperature.


Although fizzy Coca-Cola or Pepsi are effective in removing limescale, this method must be used with caution. Soda contains dyes and various additives that can cause damage to the device.

Important! It is better to use colorless soda, for example, Sprite.

Instructions for use:

  1. A small amount of liquid is poured into a water container.
  2. The device is plugged into the outlet and brought into working condition.
  3. Activate the steam mode and shake the device periodically.
  4. The procedure is carried out until the liquid evaporates completely.
  5. The steam generator is disconnected from the network and allowed to cool completely.
  6. The reservoir is thoroughly rinsed with water.
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