“They turned it down!” or the advantages and disadvantages of curved TVs

TVs with curved screens differ from their analogues in their impressive cost and non-standard appearance. Why do you need such a TV? Are consumers really overpaying solely for original design?

A curved screen also affects the technical characteristics of the device: contrast, viewing angle, image realism, etc. However, how significant is the difference between such TVs and standard models? Let's find out now.

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Features of curved screen TVs

Don't forget that curved screens are twice as thick as regular TVs. Such a device will look bad on the wall. To avoid excessive highlighting of the TV along the edges, the equipment must be placed in a pre-created niche.

The comfort zone is another feature that needs a few words about. If the distance from the viewing point to the screen is greater than the diagonal of the TV, then you will not be able to enjoy a high-quality image. The maximum immersion effect will only be if you are in the center and as close to the screen as possible.

Watching TV in a group also becomes noticeably more difficult. Because it is almost impossible to place everyone in the center. Part of the image is lost. The picture becomes too narrow. The distance to the near and far extreme points becomes even more noticeable.

Distortion is another feature common to concave screens. Non-linear distortion occurs when watching a curved TV if you are to the left of your comfort zone. The left side of the picture begins to be in profile.

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To objectively evaluate TV equipment, you need to understand the basic technical parameters. Curved and straight screens are significantly different. TVs should be evaluated through the prism of special criteria:

  • Brightness. Modern TVs have no problems with this parameter, regardless of the screen type. Users will be able to adjust the brightness of the image;
  • Screen resolution. This parameter determines the ratio of the number of pixels per unit area (vertical and horizontal). The higher the resolution, the better the quality of the picture. If the resolution of the video file and the screen match, the image will be perfect;
  • Contrast. Indicates the difference in brightness in different areas of the TV screen: from the lightest to the darkest. Contrast can be static or dynamic in different areas of the picture;
  • Viewing angle. Defines the maximum permissible angle to the screen plane at which the picture is not distorted. Ideally, this parameter should be 178 degrees;
  • Response. Time of change of pixel state. The lower the response, the higher the image clarity. There will be no blur effect;
  • Available interfaces. The TV must have everything it needs to sync with other devices;
  • Diagonal. Measured in inches. The screen size is determined according to the distance from the viewing point to the screen. The optimal distance is approximately 2-3 diagonals of the TV screen.

Samsung UE40K6500BUX
To determine whether a curved TV is truly superior to a conventional device, compare them using these criteria.

The idea of ​​concave TVs from LG, Samsung, and Sony appeared quite a long time ago. Many companies have used this technology to produce movie screens. A curved screen allows you to solve several important problems:

  1. Correct transfer of images from the projector to the screen.
  2. The radius of perception increases for viewers close to the screen.
  3. Maximum immersion in viewing is ensured, since the person is as if under a dome.

These properties are clearly manifested during viewing in the cinema. However, they are also typical for small curved TVs. Therefore, at home, you can also achieve maximum immersion and optimal radius of perception.

Technical features

All curved screen TVs are thicker than conventional models. When mounting them on the wall, the design features will become disadvantages rather than advantages. They are designed exclusively for installation on special cabinets.

The main characteristics include:

  1. Brightness. The parameter is not inferior to the best TV with a flat monitor. The indicator can be adjusted. But when watching television with a large group, those viewers who find themselves on the sides and see the curved edges of the TV will receive a lower-quality image than those who are located in the center.
  2. Resolution or ratio of pixels (matrix elements) to vertical and horizontal area. The higher it is, the better the image quality. Concave TVs with a diagonal of 70 inches or more have a resolution of 3848x2160 pixels, which allows them to support 4K or Ultra HD formats.
  3. Contrast is a measure of brightness. It can be dynamic or static. The concavity reduces contrast at the edges of the monitor, making it uncomfortable to watch movies up close or from the side.
  4. Viewing angle affects viewing distance without image distortion. The semicircular TV has an increased viewing angle.

All concave TVs have better image depth. This enhances the immersive experience of 3D movies. At the same time, the optimal viewing angle for new products is 175-178 ⁰ vertically and horizontally.

Important. All the effects of a concave TV are good for watching action movies or dynamic games through special consoles. When watching news or informational TV programs, portrait proportions will be slightly distorted.

Advantages and disadvantages of curved TVs

Let's start with aesthetics. Curved models look more modern compared to regular flat TVs. However, there are several pitfalls. Firstly, they are more bulky and voluminous, precisely because of their unusual design. Secondly, they are very difficult to hang on the wall. The process itself is not difficult, but problems will arise with selecting the optimal position.

Samsung UE55NU7500UXUA

By analyzing the pros and cons of a curved screen TV, you can decide whether to purchase such a device. First, let's list the positive qualities:

  • glare is reflected well;
  • visual perception of the screen increases;
  • increased field of view;
  • excellent contrast;
  • appearance.

The bends of a curved TV also have a negative impact. Main disadvantages:

  • When viewing, you need to be in your comfort zone, otherwise the image will be distorted. This is inconvenient for group viewing;
  • the overall thickness of the device increases, as a result of which the TV becomes too bulky;
  • the effect of curvature appears;
  • It is very difficult to fit such a TV into the interior of the room;
  • high price.

The cost of maintaining concave TVs is another notable disadvantage. This is explained by the difficulties that arise during the disassembly and subsequent assembly of equipment. Curved TVs are equipped with conventional flat panels. Their deformation is carried out artificially. Therefore, the matrix is ​​constantly in a state of increased tension.

Samsung HU8500

To ensure that the component bends in accordance with the shape of the TV, manufacturers noticeably reduce the thickness of the protective coating. Because of this, the module becomes more fragile. The likelihood of mechanical defects increases.

Avoid marketing gimmicks. Weigh the pros and cons. Having compared the advantages and disadvantages, you will come to the conclusion that, in addition to their beautiful appearance, curved TVs do not have any real technical superiority. For family viewing, this is far from the best solution.

Such models are more suitable for various demonstrations, presentations, and exhibitions. For regular viewing, it is better to buy a flat-screen TV. Direct screens are also not without their drawbacks, but they are intended specifically for home use.

When should you buy a curved TV?

You should buy a TV with a curved screen in the following cases:

  1. The plan is to watch it up close;
  2. There are many luminous and glare objects in the room;
  3. I want the biggest TV possible;
  4. We plan to buy a small TV and use it as a monitor.

In other cases, it will be an unnecessary overpayment. And it’s not at all suitable for watching with a large family or with friends. Not only will none of the viewers be at the so-called focal point (the ideal place for comfortable viewing), but also people sitting on the edge will be shown a very distorted image.

Likewise, a concave TV screen is not the best solution for the kitchen. Kitchen TV devices are usually installed somewhere on the refrigerator away from the table, at an angle, so that you can watch the news while having breakfast. It is difficult to imagine the level of discomfort when using a concave screen in such conditions.

On the other hand, manufacturers often make the top models of their television devices concave. For example, Samsung installs a QLED matrix in many models with pure spectral color and close to absolute blacks, which maintains excellent visibility when viewed at an angle. LG, in turn, uses an active matrix OLED with absolute black and infinite contrast, which further improves image quality when viewed from the side.

So, if you take a curved TV for company viewing, it’s QLED or OLED. They will provide excellent image quality. And for independent use, any other one is suitable.

Does diagonal size matter?

A very controversial issue. Manufacturers of curved screen TVs claim that size is the determining parameter. It is this characteristic that they justify the high cost of equipment.

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In theory, a curved screen will provide the maximum level of immersion during the viewing process. The noticeable amount of screen space will be expanded. Add to this the high resolution. Therefore, in theory, a large diagonal curved screen should provide a completely immersive viewing experience and excellent depth.

In practice the situation is different. The newest model with a screen size of 60 inches will not significantly surpass a similar device with a flat display. The actual diagonal of a curved screen is approximately 1 inch larger than a flat screen.

The appearance of additional space helps to increase the field of vision. But this is not a significant difference. Field of view is the degree of viewing while watching TV at a distance of 2.4 meters from the screen. The curved screen will provide an increase in field of view by approximately 1 degree compared to a conventional flat TV.

In fact, immersion and diagonal size do not have a significant impact. You need to calculate the screen size in accordance with the distance from the viewing point to the screen. Therefore, in rooms with a small square footage there is no point in buying devices with a screen diagonal of 60-80 inches. The optimal choice is a distance equal to approximately 2-3 diagonals of the TV screen.

Price/benefit and our final word

As you've probably guessed, we're not fans of curved screens. For the most part, this technology creates more problems than benefits, and several advantages do not cover up the much larger number of objective disadvantages. In addition, such TVs are much more expensive than their flat-panel counterparts. Given the weaknesses of the curvature, we're not sure the price for these TVs is justified.

On the other hand, fans of manufacturers like Samsung, LG and Panasonic have little choice if they want to buy a flagship, since all the best models come with curved screens.

This factor, in part, creates a false impression among potential buyers that the best TVs are those with curved screens. They see that the manufacturer has announced the next flagship, and this flagship has a curved screen, and the consumer begins to think that curvature is cool.

To summarize, I would like to say that the curved screen does not do as much for the TV as we would like, not providing the user with what he expected when buying a curved TV. Yes, it slightly improves the viewing experience, but just a little, and only on large screens. But if you are fascinated by the appearance of such TVs, or just want to be trendy, then go ahead.

17 Sep 2021 S.Denchuk 34076

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Discussion: there is 1 comment

  1. Ivan:
    10/04/2016 at 10:54

    Bent TVs certainly look cool, you can’t argue with that!


Reflection and viewing angle

A curved TV will reduce contrast on the sides of the screen. Provided that the viewer is located as close as possible to the source of viewing. Modern video file formats will smooth out the contrast on the sides.

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There are very few comfortable viewing points, so watching TV in a large group will be very uncomfortable. However, this drawback is typical for both straight and concave screens. There are no significant differences between these TVs. The declared advantages of curved TV manufacturers are visible only on paper.

Optical distortion is another important point. The sensor sensors of the matrix, which provide focusing, are located throughout the plane. Therefore, video files are initially designed to be viewed on a flat surface. When a curved surface is involved, the picture may become distorted. This criterion once again confirms that ordinary flat TVs are in no way inferior to curved ones.

During viewing, the sun's rays fall on the screen. The curvature of the plane is a catalyst for changing the angle of refraction of rays, so the amount of glare is reduced. This effect is especially noticeable in rooms with bright lighting. The further the user is from the screen, the more the intensity of the glow of foreign objects on the screen will decrease.

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Visual increase

A curved TV screen will provide a visual magnification of the image. Even the screen itself will look more voluminous compared to conventional flat displays. However, the effect directly depends on the distance between the screen and the viewing point. The further away the viewer is, the lower the visual perception of screen width. This advantage is also relative.

Visual enlargement is not only an advantage, but at the same time a disadvantage. Due to its design, a curved TV becomes too bulky. Therefore, difficulties arise when placing the device on the wall. It’s easier to put such a TV on a special stand.

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Immersive viewing

Curved TVs provide the most immersive viewing experience. This advantage is determined by the design of the device. This is why cinemas also install screens of this shape. The image looks as natural and realistic as possible. This effect can be achieved due to the fact that the screen bends. The image “comes out” a little forward, literally flowing around the viewer. Although regular TVs are not much inferior to curved models in this regard.

The first reaction of viewers who watched the film on a curved TV was delight. They think they saw a three-dimensional image without 3D glasses. Although in fact this is an ordinary picture in 2D format. This effect occurs because the curved edges increase the visual perception of depth. Samsung enhances this effect by automatically adjusting the contrast of different parts of the picture.

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