Reasons why the Indesit washing machine does not turn on

Electrical faults

In some cases, the Indesit washing machine is fine. The reason is a network fault. The repair consists of checking the outlet. To do this, simply plug a known-good device into it.

Sometimes the washing machine does not turn on or work due to a faulty cable. In both cases, you must be careful: turn off the electricity and only then begin repairs. It is advisable to entrust this matter to a professional electrician.

Socket repair

Motor breakdowns

Motors very rarely break down on Indesit washing machines. However, such cases do happen. For models of the latest series, error B3 is displayed. The cause of the breakdown most often lies in the heavy load of the device. At high speeds the engine heats up. If you wash it for a long time, it may not withstand the load. When the Indesit washing machine does not turn on, you need to inspect the part. If the adapter on the motor is burnt out, it will have to be completely replaced. The cost of the part depends on the model series.

Interference filter and network cable

The Indesit WISLI washing machine still won't turn on? Next you should look at the power cord of the Indesit washing machine and the plug, as well as the interference filter.

You will have to remove the network connector and the filter at the same time, since they are connected.

To do this you need:

  1. Disconnect everything unnecessary from communications.
  2. Turn the Indesit washing machine.
  3. Remove the screws and then the cover.
  4. At the top left is the capacitor. It needs to be removed from the mount.
  5. At the base of the case there is also a mount that secures the cable. It needs to be disconnected.
  6. After the previous manipulations, the network connector with the filter can be easily pulled out.

Interference filter in a washing machine

Next, you should disconnect the filter and check the power cord. This is done by ringing with a multimeter. If a breakdown is found, the entire wire must be replaced. It is not recommended to repair the old one or replace the cores in it.

Interference filter

After this, the interference filter rings. The probes are installed on the legs of its capacitor. If everything is normal, the resistance is additionally checked. If the value is “0” or “1”, the cause is the capacitor and must be replaced.

Model Indesit White 107

This model is produced with a high-quality motor. However, it has a small transmission unit installed. This device operates from a modulator. If the Indesit Wite 107 washing machine does not turn on and the display shows error A2, it means the unit is faulty. To inspect and repair this element, you need to open the lid of the washing machine. Next, it is recommended to carefully inspect the motor.

If darkening is not visible on it, then the problem lies in the gearbox. In order to remove it, you will have to unscrew the model's gearbox. It is located in the washing machine next to the motor, and is secured with nuts. Thus, the part can be twisted with a regular small screwdriver. The next step is to get the gear block itself. Then it needs to be inspected for defects. As a rule, when overloaded, the contacts of the model burn out. The reason for this failure is caused by network failures. To eliminate this type of fault, you will have to replace the gear unit at a service center.

Control module

If after this the indicators do not light up, then the reason is different. Next you should try checking the control module of the Indesit WISLI washing machine. These are microcircuits, the “brains” of the device. You need to change something here only with some experience behind you. A video will help with this work.

Washing machine control module

By the way, the causes of other common Indesit malfunctions also lie in the control boards:

  • if all the lights on the panel blink;
  • if there are problems with spinning, etc.

When the capacitors on the microcircuit fail, the indicators usually begin to blink simultaneously. Replacing capacitors is the easiest way, but you will need good soldering iron skills and the right model. After replacement, as a rule, the light bulbs stop blinking.

If there are problems with spinning, they also look at the electronic module. This is not an easy task and requires knowledge and preparation. That is why, if the spin cycle does not work correctly, it is advisable to give the board to a specialist.

Device is not working? Why does the Indesit washing machine blink and not turn on? You need to look at the varistor - part of the microcircuit, a resistor necessary to protect the board from voltage surges.

Varistors microcircuits

Replacing it is quite simple with your own hands:

  1. Remove the powder container. Underneath there are two screws that need to be unscrewed.
  2. Remove the control panel.
  3. Disassemble the unit and disconnect the board.
  4. Find the varistors and check their resistance using a multimeter. Often the part turns black or falls out completely.
  5. The burnt varistor is soldered off. It is replaced by another one with similar characteristics. The device should start working.

When using a soldering iron, you need to be careful not to damage the traces and other elements of the printed circuit board. If this happens, most likely, you will no longer be able to do without the help of a specialist.

You should also keep in mind:

  1. Varistors are not the only possible malfunction that leads to the Indesit WISLI washing machine not turning on. This is just one of the simple and common ones.
  2. In case of inept repair, the microcircuit can be permanently damaged beyond repair. Its cost is approximately 20% of the price of the entire Indesit washing machine.
  3. Service centers usually do not repair the board, but install a new one. It’s easier, faster, and most importantly – more profitable. Private craftsmen often undertake repairs. Their repairs will be cheaper, but you should pay attention to their experience and qualifications.

If the indicators light up, burn randomly or go out

The Indesit washing machine may start, but not work, not only because the lock does not turn on, but also due to other malfunctions, for example, a system failure. In this case, the lamps blink randomly or light up and immediately go out. You need to disconnect the machine from the network and wait a few minutes; if this does not help, open the instruction manual and look in it for information about performing a system reset.

In some cases, erratic blinking of light bulbs may occur due to wiring problems. It burns out or the connectors become loose due to constant vibration. It is necessary to carefully inspect the wires and then test them with a multimeter. Damaged elements are replaced with new ones. Usually you can talk about a wiring fault if the machine blinks and does not turn on.

If the lights blink in a certain sequence, this means that the machine has completed a self-diagnosis program and is reporting some kind of breakdown. To decipher the code, you need to open the user manual, it contains detailed information.

To understand why the Indesit washing machine does not turn on, you need to conduct a thorough diagnosis of the device and its connection to the network. If the lights and display do not light up when you press the power button, this indicates that the equipment is not receiving power. You should make sure that there is electricity, check the machines, RCDs, sockets, extension cords, interference filters and electronic boards. If the washing machine starts, but the spin cycle or programs do not turn on, this indicates a faulty hatch. If the lights light up erratically or go out immediately after being turned on, the culprit may be wiring or a system failure.

Indesit washing machines are of good quality, but breakdowns also occur with them. Sometimes the Indesit washing machine does not turn on for no apparent reason.

Start button

Another reason may be that the device's start button is faulty. As a result, it does not turn on. Often such a breakdown occurs in older models of the Indesit washing machine, released about 15 years ago. Due to their features, if the button fails, everything else does not work.

The following actions are performed:

  • the control module is removed according to the scheme discussed above;
  • the resistance on the button is determined, and it must be on;
  • If this is the case, a new one is installed.

If after all the above checks the machine still does not turn on, the reason is not common or something was done incorrectly. Then it is better to call a specialist.

On/off button

Why else does the Indesit brand washing machine not turn on or work? If the washing machine is old, it probably has a broken on/off button. For Indesit washing machine models that were produced 15-20 years ago, when the “on” button was closed, the entire “home assistant” was de-energized. If you have an old Indesit, this problem could probably affect you too. What should be done?

  • We remove and disassemble the control module.
  • We measure the resistance of the button.
  • Remove the burnt button and put a new one in its place

You need to measure the resistance with the button turned on.

So, why does the Indesit washing machine not work, and not only does it not work, but does not turn on at all? There are quite a few reasons; a breakdown of your car is not necessarily one of the common ones; in this case, you should not look for it yourself - contact a specialist. Good luck!


23 reader comments

Handsome. The thing is afraid of the master. I also have the same problem, the control unit burned out. But I never understood why. I'll check it the way you showed. It would also be good if you showed which section of the board and what it is responsible for in the operation of the machine.

Respect. Your video gave direction in finding the cause, since without money you can’t call a repairman, but you have to do the laundry))) Thank you very much and earn more money.

It won't work with freeloaders... IMHO

And when I turn it on, more than one light on the panel does not light up. And at the bottom of the board there is something subtly squeaking.

Equipment from any manufacturer breaks down over time, and Indesit is no exception. Sometimes, having decided to do the laundry, the user may find that the Indesit washing machine does not turn on. There can be many reasons for this, ranging from a power outage to a broken control board.

Calling a specialist: where to go and how much to pay?

If your washing machine malfunctions, you need to make a decision: fix the problem yourself or entrust this matter to a specialist. If you can’t cope with the failure, you can turn to professionals for help .
You can search for a company that repairs Indesit washing machines on the Internet by indicating the name of your city. The cost of work depends on the complexity of the breakdown, and can vary significantly by region.

It is advisable to seek help from companies that have been providing services on the market for a long time and value their reputation. The master who comes on call carries out repairs and gives a guarantee for his work .

But if you randomly select a specialist from an advertisement, there is a chance that you will fall for scammers and allow a low-skilled technician to approach your equipment. In this case, there will be no confidence that the work to eliminate the failure will be carried out efficiently.

On average, the price for repair work in the capital is within the following limits:

  • replacing a button on the control panel – from 1,000 rubles;
  • replacement of FPS – from 1,400 rubles;
  • replacement of the control unit – from 2,000 rubles, etc.

It should be taken into account that the cost of a new part is paid separately, as well as consumables.

A lot of important and useful information about repairing Indesit washing machines is presented in this section.

Indication of all error codes (video + table)

All error codes of the Indesit washing machine and their indication on the control panel are presented in this video:

This table is also useful for correctly diagnosing problems:

Error codeLED 1LED 2LED 3KH 1KH 2

Probable causes of failure

In such a situation, even a complete amateur understands that the Indesit washing machine is for some reason cut off from the power supply, and its modules are therefore inactive. This means that you need to check everything related to electrical and electronics, both inside and outside the washing machine. You should always start with the simplest and most obvious reasons, for example:

  • problems in the electrical network, or it is completely de-energized;
  • the socket from which the Indesit washing machine is powered is de-energized or burnt out;
  • The plug has burnt out or the power cord has burned out.

Perhaps some of our readers will now begin to spit, saying that the authors of this article are completely insolent, they write all sorts of “heresy”, why can’t I figure out whether there is electricity in the house or not? But don’t rush to swear, it’s not just a matter of de-energizing the entire power grid. There are local problems, which we will discuss in the next paragraph of the publication, but now we will list the less obvious causes of breakdowns.

  1. FPS knocked out.
  2. The varistor or the on/off button of the washing machine has burned out.
  3. The control chip element has burned out.

Important! In order for the Indesit washing machine to completely lose power, the control microcircuit must burn out almost completely, unless, of course, this particular breakdown caused the symptom.

There's something wrong with the power grid

If the washing machine does not turn on, do not rush to panic and imagine various malfunctions; perhaps the cause of the problem lies not in the machine, but in the electrical network supplying it. If the Indesit brand “home assistant” does not turn on, experts recommend that you first check the outlet to which the machine is connected. You can easily check whether the outlet works or not by connecting a working electrical appliance to it.

Be careful! If you notice a problem with the outlet, immediately turn off the power and do not connect anything to it to avoid electric shock or even fire.

If the outlet is de-energized for some reason, you need to figure it out, and for this it is better to invite an experienced electrician. If you are going to repair your home electrical system yourself, be careful, turn off the power first, and only then carry out any actions and be sure to follow safety regulations.

Network wire or FPS

Everything is fine with the socket, but the washing machine still doesn’t work, won’t turn on and continues to irritate the owner and hostess in every possible way. This means we check the plug and power cord, and at the same time the interference filter. On the Indesit washing machine, the network cable and the FPS are assembled together, which means they need to be removed together to check. How to remove the power cable of the Indesit washing machine along with the power capacitor?

  • Disconnect the drain hose, inlet hose and power cord from the communications.
  • We turn the washing machine towards us with the back wall.
  • Unscrew the screws and remove the top wall (cover).
  • Let's look under the lid. At the top of the case in the lower left corner you will see a mains capacitor; remove it from the mount.
  • At the base of the case there is a special mount that holds the power cable; this must also be removed.
  • Now all that remains is to pull the FPS out of the machine body along with the wire and plug.

Troubleshooting common problems

Most problems with the Indesit washing machine can be resolved yourself. If the electronics fail, first turn off the power to the machine for 10-15 minutes by unplugging the power plug from the outlet. Then start the wash program again. To eliminate more complex damage, you will need a minimum set of tools: pliers, Phillips and flathead screwdrivers, and a multimeter.

Replacing the surge protector

Typically, the surge protector is located under the top cover of the CM, and a power cord is connected to it. This unit cannot be repaired and must be replaced immediately. Such malfunctions of Indesit washing machines can be easily eliminated, but no one can guarantee that the newly purchased filter will last a long time.

Surge filter for protection against interference in a 220 V network

If the washing machine is located in the bathroom, high humidity has a detrimental effect on the filter contacts. To waterproof the contacts, use silicone sealant. It must be applied to clean, dry contact pads. After this, the filter unit will serve for a long time.

Troubleshooting heating elements

Damage to the heater is indicated by codes F07 or F08, indicated by the display or SM indicators. To check and replace the heating element, you need to open the back cover of the machine.

The heating element is located at the bottom of the tank; two supply wires with terminals and a grounding wire are connected to it

Disconnect the wire terminals from the heater and check it with a multimeter. A working part has a resistance in the range of 25–40 ohms. Other values ​​indicate that the heating element needs to be replaced. After unscrewing the central mounting nut, carefully remove the heater by rocking it from side to side. Then apply a soap solution to the rubber gasket of the new heating element and install it in the groove.

Installing new bearings

Noise, clanging and other extraneous sounds during the spin cycle indicate that the tank bearings require replacement. This kind of malfunction of Indesit washing machines is carried out by qualified specialists, as it requires complete disassembly of the unit.

Replacing bearings in the tank cross

To knock out old bearings and press in new ones, you will need specific tools and skills. Along with the bearings, the oil seal must be replaced.

The video demonstrates how to replace bearings in an Indesit CM with a metal tank:

Troubleshooting control unit problems

ECUs produced by the Italian manufacturer are not designed for high humidity, which is typical for bathrooms. The contact pads of printed circuit board connectors are the first to suffer from exposure to moisture.

ECU board with connectors in which contact protrusions are clearly visible

Restoring the operation of the ECU requires knowledge in the field of electronics, so such malfunctions of Indesit washing machines should be repaired by experienced technicians.

In conclusion, I would like to note that the material does not discuss breakdowns associated with draining water from the SM - such problems are the same for units of all brands. The main reasons are clogged drain filters and damaged pumps. To clean the filter or replace the pump, no special skills are required; this work can be done on your own.

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