Why doesn't my TV pick up digital channels?

There can be many reasons why the TV does not find channels. These include lost settings, incorrect antenna connections, and amplifier malfunctions. Some reasons can be dealt with on your own, while others will require the help of professionals.

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Equipment selection

The reason your TV won't tune in can be very simple: it's out of date. Since the summer of 2021, our country has completely switched to digital broadcasting, the standard of which is DVB-T2. If the TV receiver is old, it may not support this standard. To set it up you will have to buy a special set-top box - a receiver.

For cable or satellite TV, you may also need a special set-top box if the TV does not support this broadcast format.

Analogue television does not work: what to do

Let's tell you why analog television stopped working and whether something can be done in this case...

If analogue television does not work, you need to think carefully first - the fact is that the planned shutdown of analogue TV did not affect those subscribers who pay for it.
TV manufacturer, service operator - none of this matters. In other words, if a subscriber pays for a collective antenna using HOA receipts or pays for the services of a cable provider, then analog TV will not be turned off. By the way, if the TV was released after 2012, it can easily receive digital TV.

The era of analogue television broadcasting, which was broadcast using already outdated data transmission methods, has come to an end. Analogue television will be switched off for subscribers who have old-style individual antennas

Such devices are used only in the outback - in villages and villages where there is no way to connect to cable TV.

Rambler reports that Russia has completed the fourth stage on the path to universal digitalization of TV. The latter regions, home to about 40 million people, were disconnected from analog TV on October 14. Thus, in 2021, the entire country finally switched to digital TV broadcasting.

Digital TV is supported only by the latest generation of TVs - in other words, those released after 2012. But even if the subscriber has an outdated TV, he will be able to watch digital TV - for this he needs to purchase a digital set-top box. It will allow you to watch up to 20 digital channels for free

Federal law provides benefits for those subscribers who have a minimum income or live below the subsistence level - local authorities will help such citizens install equipment.

The problem of analog television not working, therefore, is not as serious as one might think - most often a banal auto-search for channels helps. And it’s even more likely that the subscriber simply did not pay the operator on time for TV services.

The Deputy Head of the Ministry of Communications issued a warning about the activities of swindlers who are trying to sell the population set-top boxes complete with an expensive contract for connecting to cable TV.

According to various estimates, after the abandonment of analogue television broadcasting, a third of the country's population could be left without a television. The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications published a more realistic forecast - only a tenth of the residents of the Russian Federation lost access to television, and these are only those subscribers who had individual old-style antennas.

According to the Ministry of Communications, at the beginning of the transition to digital TV, more than a million people used analogue television signals. By 2020, this figure had dropped to 20 thousand - the gradual transition to digital television began back in 2009. It is now clear that more than 170 billion rubles were allocated for it, including 97 billion rubles from the budget of the federal districts. This is how the question of why analog television does not work was resolved.

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Difficulties with the antenna

The next most important and frequent situation when the TV does not see channels is a problem with the antenna. When installing and connecting it, the following conditions must be observed:

  • It should be directed towards the signal source. This is critical for both satellite and analog TV. If you shift the direction of the satellite dish by a few degrees, this will negatively affect signal reception. The same goes for an analog antenna. It should be directed towards the nearest repeater.
  • The television signal from the repeater to the antenna should not be blocked by impenetrable objects. They can be tall buildings made of reinforced concrete, metal hangars, roofs, natural hills, dense tree crowns, etc. Decimeter waves do not bend around obstacles, but are reflected or absorbed by them.
  • Interference from nearby equipment. This mainly applies to an analog antenna.

If your TV cannot find channels, check that your antenna is installed correctly. It may be worth turning it towards the repeater or installing it higher.

Connection errors

Another source of problems that the TV cannot be set up may be an incorrect connection of the digital set-top box or receiver.

There are several reasons here:

  • Incorrect cable selection. To connect all types of set-top boxes to a television receiver, you need to choose a cable with a characteristic impedance of 75 Ohms. If you use a cable with less resistance, the TV will not pick up the signal and find channels.
  • The attachment is not connected correctly. This applies to older models in which you need to use a high-frequency modulator to provide the receiver output or supply a signal to the TV through the “tulip”. Modern manufacturers produce many different connectors, and when buying them, you need to clearly know which plugs are suitable for the connectors of your device.
  • Signal amplifier. This is true for an indoor antenna. For good operation of the television receiver, it is necessary that the antenna have a built-in or external amplifier.

Why doesn't my Samsung TV find digital channels via antenna or cable?

We were faced with the question “Why doesn’t the Samsung TV see digital channels?” In this case, there is a problem with the TV. Problems may be due to signal quality or connection method. To fix a problem, first identify the problem.


Problems with equipment arise quite often. The main option is a broken cable or a plug coming off. First of all, examine the integrity of all devices.


Problems with the TV antenna are a common cause of no signal on the TV. Place the antenna towards the TV tower. Check that nothing is interfering with the signal. If there are obstacles in the way, place the antenna higher.


Software glitches can be dealt with quickly. First, change the country name to “Other”. Did the action not help? Do a manual search for TV channels, delete all data on the TV or receiver. Update the settings to factory settings and reactivate the search. Try also updating the firmware of the set-top box.

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If previous methods did not help cable TV owners, then study the operation of the cable. Check the wire for damage, holes, or other problems. Examine the condition of the plugs and input. If only 10 digital television channels work, then the reason is technical problems and structural features of the TV. After a few seconds, work will resume.

Equipment connection problem

Sometimes it crashes because the device can't find certain resources. In addition, there is an incorrect way to connect to the digital number. Before setting up, check that the equipment is connected correctly. If the user has a decimeter antenna, it is connected to the receiver, then to the TV. If you have a cable, connect the wire to the dedicated input on the receiver.

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Search settings

The problem is this. Most likely, the “Search” settings are set incorrectly. Use the above options and search again. Be sure to indicate the connection type and other parameters. If the situation does not change, then contact the service center. They will help you set up your TV.

Software glitches

In case of software failure, reboot the device. Unplug the adapter and reconnect to electricity. Reset all parameters and click on the “Clear” button. Turn on the TV again and check for TV channels.

Technical problems on the transmitter side

If the transmitter is broken, contact a service center. The technician will check technical problems and fix any problems. It is not recommended to repair the device yourself.

Violation of settings

A built-in or external tuner is used to decode a digital signal. If it malfunctions, the TV does not show all channels. You can correct the situation when supplying a signal via a cable if you use the following options:

  • Reset all tuner settings to factory settings. Restore channels through auto search.
  • Carry out software updates and re-flashing of equipment.
  • When using pay satellite TV, you need to update your access card.

To re-tune your terrestrial TV, you need to:

  1. Purchase and connect an amplifier to the antenna and a digital set-top box to the television receiver.
  2. Go to "Menu".
  3. Select channel settings.
  4. Start auto search or search for channels manually. After searching, write the results into the console’s memory.

To perform the operations correctly, you need to read the instructions for the set-top box and follow all the recommendations specified there.

Transmitting side problems

If the TV is configured and operating in normal mode and does not search for channels, then a possible cause may be a fault in signal transmission:

  • Cable break. To make sure of this, you need to ring the cable laid in the apartment. If no break is found, then it is worth checking the cable to the switchboard. If there is no break there either, contact the company that provides digital TV.
  • Your satellite or terrestrial TV provider may experience problems. Consumers are always notified about this by posting information on the official websites of companies, where they indicate the time of repair work.

If you have followed all the above recommendations, and the TV does not find digital channels, then this indicates a malfunction of the TV itself. Call a technician by phone.

Why can't I tune in digital channels on my Samsung TV?

Don't know why your Samsung TV doesn't pick up digital channels? First, let's determine the breakdown:

  1. Hardware problems. If the TV does not turn on digital channels via the antenna, there is most likely a fault in the wire or receiver. To fix the problem, check the integrity and functionality of cables, wires and plugs. To check the local antenna coverage, go to the official website https://map.rtrs.rf/ and determine your city of residence. The map will show the broadcasting territory in a certain area or area.
  2. Software glitches. Such a breakdown depends on the owner himself. Users may have incorrectly designated the frequency and parameters. Another option is outdated software on the set-top box. In this situation, you will need to install new or reinstall the software.
  3. Another reason is maintenance work on the TV tower or weather conditions. In such a situation, you will need to wait a little time.

How to configure channels correctly?

Regardless of the TV model, setup follows one instruction. The operating principle is absolutely the same. First, you must have the right antenna that receives a large signal from the TV tower. Next, the device adds the signal to the menu. After connecting to the adapter, follow these steps:

  • launch the “Options” menu folder, then click “Broadcast”.

  • Click on the "Automatic Search" section.

  • Activate the “start” key, then select the signal source.
  • When connecting to an antenna, click on the folder with analog and digital channels.
  • Choose one or both options.
  • The final stage is to activate “scanning”.

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If the Smart TV device does not include TV channels, then use another method of connecting digital frequencies. Buy a special cable or a reinforced set-top box.

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