Checking and diagnosing the refrigerator yourself

A refrigerator is a fairly expensive and complex piece of equipment. Therefore, when delivering home, a thorough diagnosis of the refrigerator is required. At the time of purchase, it is difficult to verify the serviceability of the device. In addition, a sample will be on display in the store, and the device will be delivered to your home from the warehouse. Therefore, in the store you can only evaluate the appearance and technical characteristics. Before you sign for delivery of the goods to the bank, you should carefully inspect the new device. This will allow you to avoid many problems in the future. Therefore, you need to know how to properly check a refrigerator when delivered to your home.

Checking upon delivery will help avoid possible problems

Checking and diagnosing the refrigerator yourself

After delivery, the device must be checked for functionality and the presence of external defects. If a manufacturing defect is discovered, the device can be replaced within 14 days. However, if damage occurred during transportation, it will not be possible to replace it unless the damage was discovered at the time of delivery.

The check should include:

  • external inspection of the device;
  • thorough inspection of the compressor;
  • inspection of the device inside;
  • performance check.

You should also carefully study all documentation. In addition to the product passport and sales receipt, the documentation must also include a stamped warranty card.

Visual inspection

An external inspection is required first. During delivery, your device may develop cracks, scratches, or other imperfections. You should carefully inspect its outer surfaces. This will help to immediately identify the presence of damage.

After delivery of new household appliances, a careful inspection is required.

The device must be inspected in good lighting. This will allow you to find even minor damage. You should not rush to inspect the device, even if the movers are in a hurry and ask you to quickly sign the delivery document.

Attention should be paid to the fastening of doors and handles. They must not have any defects. If they are weak, then over time they can become loose and fail. But such repairs cannot be performed under warranty, so they will cost a decent amount. If defects are found, it is better to refuse the purchase. A description of the deficiencies should be provided in the appropriate form.

How to choose a discounted refrigerator

An option for an inexpensive refrigerator can also be a discounted model. Such devices are substandard due to minor decorative damage or manufacturing defects. If your goal is simply a functioning refrigerator, markdowns due to scratches, dents, or unsalable packaging are essentially irrelevant to you. The main thing is that the device fulfills its direct duties, despite existing external shortcomings.

We do not recommend that you buy a refrigerator at a discount due to faults in the refrigeration generator system, since there are no guarantees that you will be able to repair the breakdown yourself and continue to use the device for many years. Most likely, it will serve you no more than six months, despite the fact that sales consultants will convince you otherwise.

When buying a refrigerator at a discount, you must understand that the store declines all responsibility for its condition and does not provide a warranty, even if the reason for the price reduction is just a scratch or a torn handle. That is why you must be firmly confident that it is in good condition when purchasing, since it will not be possible to return it back.

Thus, used refrigerators and discounted refrigerators are a good option for families on a limited budget, as well as for summer residents and landlords. When choosing such a device, you must carefully check its operating condition and make sure that there are no critical faults. Enjoy the shopping.

We continue the topic of checking household appliances. Today we will talk about how to check a refrigerator when purchasing or upon delivery.

A refrigerator is a rather expensive piece of equipment that is purchased for more than one year, and you need to take the purchase of a refrigerator seriously. Now I will not develop the topic of how to choose the best and most suitable refrigerator for you. We will assume that you have already decided on the model and all that remains is to pay the seller and take your new assistant home. And before you take this important step, you must check your new acquisition.

A refrigerator is a type of household appliance whose performance simply cannot be fully verified at the time of purchase. Why, I hope, is clear. And the sellers will convince you of the same. But! You can still check some things.

Let me start with the fact that most often it is not possible to check the refrigerator at the time of purchase due to the fact that you will only see a sample on the display window, and your refrigerator will be delivered from the warehouse. Thus, you will only see it at the time of delivery. This is fine. The main thing is not to rush to sign the form that store representatives will intrusively push on you, rudely hinting that they are in a hurry. Don't believe what they say you have 15 days to check your refrigerator. Of course, they exist - these are 15 days, according to the law, but you can return or exchange the refrigerator within this period only if you discover a defect that arose through the fault of the manufacturer. That is, any mechanical damage will not be considered such a defect. Therefore, before confirming with your signature that you have no complaints about the product, you must carefully and without haste inspect your new item.

But let's talk in more detail about how to inspect the refrigerator.

First: inspect the external walls of the refrigerator.

It is necessary to inspect the external walls of the refrigerator in good lighting. Under no circumstances do this in the dim darkness of the entrance or in the corridor, where the lighting often leaves much to be desired. Only in good, preferably daylight, lighting.

Why? – you may ask.

Yes, because not all flaws can be seen in poor lighting. Moreover, on the front wall, that is, on the doors of the refrigerator, there may be small dents that are noticeable only at a certain angle and with a certain incidence of light rays.

Therefore, first carefully inspect the side walls of the refrigerator. After this, if the product was delivered to your home, place it in the place where it will be used in the future and look at it from different points in the room. If you pick up the refrigerator from the store yourself, then find a brightly lit place in the sales area, place the refrigerator there and also carefully look at all the walls from different angles.

Be sure to carefully inspect the handles on the refrigerator and freezer doors, especially at the fastening points.

There should be no cracks, otherwise the handle will not last long, and a new one will be expensive.

Second: inspection of the compressor unit.

I would like to clarify right away that in many modern refrigerators the compressor installation location is hidden by the manufacturer behind a special decorative grille. Of course, you can remove it, but whether to do it or not is up to you. The grille is usually attached to several self-tapping screws.

I understand perfectly well that for the vast majority of buyers, inspecting the compressor block will not yield anything. Clearly, we are not experts. And a specialist in appearance is unlikely to be able to determine the functionality of the refrigerator cooling system. So why bother looking then? Yes, then, to identify mechanical damage, if any.

For example, after an impact during transportation, a compressor may fly off its mounts or become warped. This can lead either to its failure or to more noisy operation during operation. Do you need it?

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For clarity, I would like to show a photo taken in our sales area on a BOSCH refrigerator.

Pay attention to the circled area. With a quick and inattentive inspection, you most likely will not notice anything.

But let's take a closer look.

Now the torn tube is clearly visible. The cooling circuit is broken and the first time you turn it on you will hear freon whistling out. Therefore, the refrigerator will not perform its functions. And the saddest thing is that this defect is mechanical damage, and, therefore, is not covered under warranty. Repairs will cost you a tidy sum, at least 1000 rubles.

Believe me, such mechanical damage is not an exceptional case or even a rarity. You just haven’t had to watch how new refrigerators are loaded, unloaded and transported...

Inspection of the compressor block

The electric motor and compressor are the main elements of the device. In modern models they are a single compressor unit. It is difficult to independently assess the performance of a motor, compressor, posistor, capacitor and other structural parts. However, obvious visual defects can be identified visually. During transportation, some components could be damaged, which will further affect the performance of the equipment. During transportation, the integrity of the circuit may be compromised. This causes the device to malfunction.

Inspecting the compressor will reveal its defects.

In some cases, the compressor unit is covered with a special grill, and loaders may refuse to remove it. However, it only takes a few seconds to dismantle and reinstall it. To do this, simply unscrew the four screws that secure the grille to the body. If movers or other store or delivery service representatives refuse to open the compressor unit for inspection, there may be some damage to the unit.

Removing the protective decorative grille to check the compressor unit

What is the danger of a refrigerator not working properly?

The main function of a freezer is to maintain a constant temperature. Depending on the selected mode, it ranges from -12°C to -24°C. This temperature is optimal for storing frozen foods: chicken, fish, vegetables, etc. It prevents the development of putrefactive bacteria and slows down the oxidation of nutrients by air oxygen as much as possible.

We recommend: Is it possible to wash a refrigerator that is turned on: risks for equipment and humans

A properly functioning freezer is an indispensable assistant in the kitchen. It is used not only for storing food, but also for making ice and quick freezing of berries and fruits. However, we cannot always say that the freezer actually functions as intended.

If the camera does not work correctly, it may turn off periodically. During idle time, the temperature rises to values ​​sufficient for the food to begin to defrost. However, then the chamber turns on again, the temperature in it drops, and the food is re-frozen. At first glance, such work cannot be distinguished from normal functioning.

However, such a regime can lead to a whole set of unpleasant consequences:

  • Periodic defrosting and freezing leads to the loss of consumer and taste properties of the product. For example, semi-finished products (dumplings, dumplings, khinkali) and frozen vegetables freeze into one practically inseparable lump when temperature changes occur.
  • It is possible that food may have unpleasant odors or tastes.
  • There may be a loss of stability with some mixtures (jellied meat, jelly, ice cream). When the temperature changes, water “snaps off” from them, which sharply reduces the taste.
  • The most dangerous thing is the development of bacteria in food that can contaminate food with toxic metabolic products. The action of some microorganisms can make food hazardous to the health of those who eat it.

On the packaging of many products (for example, crab sticks) there is a warning: “do not refreeze!” Such products most often become a place for the development of dangerous bacteria, so they should be thrown away immediately if the refrigerator defrosts for any reason.

Internal surfaces

Even if the outer surfaces are intact, it does not mean that the device is working properly. You also need to take a good look at its internal surfaces. It is necessary to assess the condition of the drawers and shelves. They must be intact. Otherwise, repair or replacement of parts may be required.

You should also pay attention to the rear walls. Evaporators are installed here. They are one of the most expensive elements of the device. They should not have any defects.

Internal inspection of shelves and drawers

It is recommended to pay attention to the smell of the new refrigerator. It should only smell like plastic. However, it may smell like food or cleaning products. This may indicate that the device is being used. The refrigerator may have been defective and was returned to the store by previous customers for this reason.

Internal inspection of the refrigerator

If the appearance of the refrigerator does not cause any complaints, this does not mean that there are no internal flaws. Therefore, the next stage of inspection is an inspection inside. The refrigerator and freezer compartments need to be inspected.

All drawers are removed from the freezer and the chamber itself is inspected. There should be no chips, cracks or scratches on plastic surfaces.

In the boxes, inspect the places where the main box is attached to the front panel. They may be broken. Some models are initially equipped with unreliable fastenings.

When inspecting the refrigerator compartment, remove all shelves . They must be intact. Repair of mechanical damage to shelves is not included in the warranty, so you will have to pay for it.

Evaporators are installed on the back wall of the refrigerator. These are some of the most expensive elements of the unit; If you don’t notice any defects on them, their repairs can cost a lot of money later.

Another point is the smell of the refrigerator . The new unit only smells like plastic. If the test detects other odors, such as food or detergent, the device has probably been used.

You can check the performance of the unit within 20 minutes. During this time, it becomes clear whether it is freezing or not.

With the drip system, frost appears on the back wall of the refrigerator and freezer compartments within 20 minutes. If the model uses no-frost technology, the temperature of the internal chambers will be lower than in the room.

Reference. If any defect is detected, the buyer has the right to refuse the purchase.

Functionality check

The most important stage of testing the equipment being diagnosed is assessing the quality of work. Therefore, after examining the inside and outside, you should plug the unit into the network. However, doing this immediately after delivery is prohibited. You must wait at least half an hour.

If the purchase was made from a reputable store, the delivery service employees should offer such verification themselves. If this does not happen, you must insist on your legal rights to check the functionality of the delivered equipment. Without this check, it will not be possible to diagnose a malfunction of the power cord, light bulbs, motor and other elements of the device.

When you turn on the unit, the power indicator and lights should light up, and the compressor should start, making a characteristic sound. After which the doors must be closed for half an hour, so that after this time you can find out whether the temperature in the chamber decreases. To do this, it is best to use a thermometer, but you can simply check with your hand by placing it on the back inner wall of the device. The temperature should be several degrees lower than the original one. In addition, frost should form on the back wall.

If after half an hour the back wall continues to be warm, you need to close the door for another half hour and measure the temperature again. If the cooling process has not started, this indicates a possible malfunction.

How to check the compressor unit

It is better to check whether the compressor is working or not by measuring the resistance of the windings. To do this, you need to know the values ​​of the starting and operating windings. Most people cannot cope with this on their own, so when buying a refrigerator, you can invite a specialist to help determine the functionality of the device.

If this does not work, you need to at least plug it into the network - after this the lights and power indicator should light up, and the compressor itself should start. This will be clear from the characteristic sound. Ideally, the doors should be closed for at least half an hour to see if the temperature in the chamber has dropped. To do this, you need to use a thermometer or at least put your hand on the back wall.

If the wall remains warm, you should wait another half hour and measure the temperature again. If it does not get smaller, the refrigerator has a malfunction - the thermostat is most likely broken. Such a check can be carried out even in a store - by law, employees do not have the right to refuse this.

Important! You can ask to turn on the refrigerator, wait 20-30 minutes and see if it works correctly.

Checking a used refrigerator upon purchase

While a new refrigerator can be repaired under warranty in the event of breakdowns or manufacturing defects, this cannot be done with a used one. Therefore, it must be examined carefully. The advantage of choosing such a device is that it is a single copy. Therefore, you can assess its condition before purchase and delivery.

In addition to inspecting the appearance, you should carefully examine the compressor unit, checking for visible damage to parts. If they are not there, the refrigerator should be plugged in. You can immediately evaluate its serviceability, and after time, the rate at which the temperature in the chambers decreases. If everything is fine, you can agree on its delivery. Record verbally or on paper all cracks, scratches and other damage. You can take several photos. This will allow you to prove that new damage has occurred if loading and delivery is handled by a third party.

It is best to evaluate its performance before purchasing such a refrigerator by visiting an experienced technician. It will help make the correct diagnosis, minimizing the risk of detecting damage after delivery. Once the device is put into use, it will not be possible to repair it at a service center under warranty. Therefore, checking its performance is especially important.

Volga-technika +

Sometimes, some of us are forced to buy used refrigerators, i.e. not new, but used. Most often, such refrigerators are taken by those who use temporary housing: renting an apartment or living in a hostel, as well as people with little income. They are also bought for summer cottages or five-story buildings that are about to be demolished. They say that we will then buy a new refrigerator for the new apartment. This is probably the right decision. The main thing is to know a few simple rules for buying used equipment, which we will tell you about below. The choice of used refrigerators is quite large: they are sold as unnecessary by those who have already bought new equipment or by those who are moving. Probably everyone has heard in one way or another about various programs for recycling old equipment in exchange for new ones, carried out by large chains selling household appliances. We will not give the names of the networks; they are already widely known. The main condition of these programs is that the equipment being handed over is in working condition. Hence the conclusion: these old refrigerators will soon have a new owner who cannot afford a new one. A fairly frequently recurring situation prompted me to write this article. People call our workshop and tell a sad story about how they bought a used refrigerator through a newspaper or the Internet, but it immediately broke down or, worse, did not work in the first place. Arriving at the address, we find breakdowns, the repair of which is not always worth the money. Poor deceived fellow citizens are forced to pay twice: first to the scammers who sold them a broken refrigerator, then for its repair. Fraudsters offer to bring a refrigerator to your home, they deliver it, they get money and that’s it. If you were sold a “pig in a poke”, you will no longer find such sellers. The phone number you called no longer answers or is unavailable. That is, the SIM card is thrown away, a new one is bought and forward, for new victims. Who is doing this kind of deception? We don’t know, let law enforcement agencies deal with this, but we will repair refrigerators. Now let’s move on to the essence of this article: “how to choose the right used refrigerator” so that later you don’t have to pay for its repair.

  • Buy a used refrigerator from people you know personally or people close to you know well.
  • Do not buy without inspection, i.e., if you phoned the seller of the refrigerator and agreed on a purchase, find out the seller’s address and ask him to turn it on a few hours before your arrival. Upon arrival, make sure that the refrigerator is in working order: at least it freezes, and ideally you should make sure that it works cyclically, i.e. When it gets cold, it turns off, and after a while it turns on again. Once you are convinced of this, you can already decide on the delivery issue. All this is necessary because the refrigerator cannot be immediately plugged in after transportation; you must wait 2-3 hours. If the seller is a company that sells used refrigerators and they have a lot of such refrigerators, make sure that they brought you exactly the refrigerator that you chose.
  • Buying a used refrigerator with bells and whistles such as the No Frost system or with electronic control is quite risky. You do not know the operating algorithm of this refrigerator and will not be able to properly check its operation. Repairing such refrigerators costs money one way or another. Therefore, in your case, “the simpler, the more reliable.”
  • Refrigerators made in the Soviet Union performed well. Despite their outward appearance, these refrigerators have a large margin of safety, which cannot be said about refrigerators made during the global economic crisis. If a refrigerator is bought temporarily or for a summer residence, its impeccable operation is much more important than its unfashionable appearance.

Basically, that's all. The purpose of this article is not to develop paranoia or total distrust in you towards everything and everyone, but only the desire to warn you against some mistakes and save you some money. Remember the proverb: “trust, but verify.” Happy shopping!

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