How to make a projection from your phone onto a wall on Android or iPhone

How does a projector work?

In order to assemble the right projector, you need to understand how it works. In fact, almost all projectors are designed according to the same principle. It includes an optical system, an image modulator, a lamp, a cleaning and cooling system, and in more modern devices there are various electronics.

In addition, most multimedia projectors are equipped with ZOOM lenses, with which you can change the image without moving the device.

The image enters the lens through a matrix that operates through transmission. Each pixel projected onto the screen increases in size. This helps to get the highest quality image possible. The quality of the image depends on the number of pixels and the more there are, the better it will be.

The brightness of the lamp also depends on the size of the screen on which the film will be viewed.

Preparing to build a projector

First, let’s gather in front of us all the materials and components from which we can make our miracle projector itself.

We will definitely need an ordinary medium-sized shoebox, a 10X lens, a sharp utility knife, an ordinary pencil for marking, black electrical tape, a paper clip and, of course, a smartphone. A homemade projector for viewing photos and videos will be ready very soon.

Carefully cut out a hole in one of the side walls of the box exactly in the center in which the lens will be placed. It is very important that it is located strictly in the center - this is where a pencil will come in handy, with which we will draw diagonals on the side where we will cut the hole. It is at the center of the intersection of the diagonals that the lens will be placed.

Secure the lens using previously supplied electrical tape. However, other options for fixation are also suitable, such as construction adhesive or silicone.

Inside the box we make a stand to place the smartphone (if there is a special case that will allow you to place the smartphone behind the lens, then no stand will be needed).

We turn off the lights, close the curtains and begin testing the projector. You just need to move your smartphone to find the optimal location relative to the lens. You need to achieve the highest quality image - everything is simple here and depends only on the position of the device and the box.

A properly working image flip application must be downloaded and installed on your phone. The fact is that when passing through the lens, the video or photo will automatically flip 180 degrees.

The best option for Android OS would be Ultimate Rotation Control, and owners of Apple devices will be able to use Video Rotate & Flip or another option.

It is advisable to make a convenient input for the MicroUSB cable - phones are discharged quite quickly when playing videos or viewing photos.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in making a simple home projector. What’s even more pleasant is that you will have to spend a minimal amount of money - after all, everything you need for it can be found in almost any apartment.

What you need to make a projector for your phone with your own hands

Before starting to create a homemade projector, the user must understand that the image quality will not be the best. You can improve the quality of the picture with the help of good tools and a smooth canvas. To create a budget projector you will need a smartphone, tablet or laptop. The image from the device will be enlarged and projected onto the screen.

A home projector will be sufficient for watching a variety of feature films, but the image will be too blurry for watching broadcasts or scientific films.

In the process of creating a home projector, you may need the following tools:

  • Box;
  • Magnifier;
  • Insulating tape;
  • Stationery knife;
  • A device that will act as an image source;
  • Clip;
  • Construction pencil.

It should be noted that this list may increase depending on how the projector is created. For example, if the user decides to make a projector without using a magnifying glass.

What do you need?

To build a complete multimedia equipment from scratch, you need electronic parts for the display. If you don't want to solder the boards and assemble the LCD screen, prepare your smartphone, tablet, or small wireless monitor in advance. The device will be inside the “case” during viewing. And if you make a projector with your own hands from a phone that you use often, you will not be able to answer calls. To do this you will have to interrupt playback.

In addition to the display, you will need:

  • Magnifier. Preferably 10x magnification. This should be a quality magnifying glass, not a cheap trinket. The quality of the projected image depends on it. Take a large magnifying glass. The best option is a Fresnel lens.
  • Cardboard box with lid. To assemble a homemade projector from a smartphone, you can use other materials. The main thing is that you are able to cut it. And so that it does not have a mirror surface. The box must fit your phone (tablet or monitor) freely. Also keep in mind that there will be a magnifying glass on her side. Estimate the dimensions by eye so that everything fits exactly. The body can be glued together by hand from pieces of cardboard.
  • Scissors and/or knife.
  • A holder or stand for a smartphone should fit into a homemade projector. To fix the screen in one position.
  • Pencil.
  • Compass.
  • Scotch tape and/or glue.

You can also do a simple thing to view slides. It requires:

  • Flashlight or bright lamp.
  • Magnifier. Not very convex.
  • Mounts or stands on which all this can be placed.
  • An optional tool is a holder for transparencies.

How to make a projector from a phone and a box

This method for creating a projector is considered the simplest, but at the same time effective. Moreover, a similar design can be ordered on various websites, and its cost is within 200 rubles.

If you decide to make the projector yourself, you will need to prepare the following tools:

  • Any box must have a lid;
  • Styrofoam. Its piece must be much larger than the phone that will be used in the design. Also, it should be approximately 6 centimeters thick;
  • Stationery knife;
  • Magnifying glass. You should not use cheap magnifying glasses, since this design requires the use of glass, which can magnify at least ten times;
  • Insulating tape.

Step-by-step process of creating a projector with your own hands:

  1. First you need to put the box on its side and place a magnifying glass on top;
  2. The lens should be located exactly in the center of the box. After this, you need to outline the contours of the lens with a pencil;

  3. The resulting circle must be cut out. A stationery knife will help with this;
  4. Next, you need to secure the lens in the hole using electrical tape. If possible, the creator can also use hot glue or silicone to make the resulting design more attractive;

  5. Now you can begin the process of creating a holder for your mobile device so that it is firmly attached while watching movies and videos. To do this, you will need to place the gadget so that one of its sides coincides with the edge of the foam, and then you need to circle it;
  6. Using a pencil, you need to make small allowances on each side, excluding the side that was on the edge of the foam;

  7. After this, you need to cut out a small rectangle using a stationery knife;

  8. Now begins one of the most difficult stages, in which you need to cut out the remains from the center of the foam so that you get a hole;
  9. Next, you need to check whether the mobile device will fit into the cut-out hole. If it fits without problems, then you can proceed to the next step, and if not, then you need to expand it;

After this, you will need to make a base from a large sheet of foam, to which you need to glue the finished holder for your mobile device on top.
It is worth making sure that the resulting design fits into the box with the lens; At the end, you need to turn off the lights in the room with the projector, set the brightness on your phone to maximum and open any image. Then you need to put the mobile device in the box in the holder next to the lens. The design blank must be installed opposite the wall on which you plan to watch movies. The distance from the phone to the lens needs to be adjusted until the image appears clearly. To do this, you need to move the device forward or backward in the box.

You should not glue the phone holder in a certain place, as you may need to move it a little.

Also, it should be noted that as the image passes through the lens, it will turn upside down. This can be fixed by installing a special application that will allow you to fix a specific position of the phone screen.

Follow the link to watch a video that shows how to create a projector at home from a box and a phone:

DIY smartphone projector

Lately, we often watch our favorite films on the screen of our smartphones. We don't want to search for and download movies to watch on TV. However, there is a simple and inexpensive way to turn your smartphone into a real projector and watch your favorite movies on a large “screen”: a wall or even a ceiling!

Browse products for inventors. Link to the store.

In order to make a projector for a smartphone, we need very few things: a strong shoebox or similar, tape, a utility knife and a magnifying glass. I will dwell on the magnifying glass in more detail. It is advisable to find a large Soviet magnifying glass - our grandparents still had such magnifying glasses in abundance. If you are unlucky here, then go to the store: now you can buy relatively inexpensive magnifying glasses of decent quality, just don’t go for outright cheapness.

At the end of the box in the center, carefully mark and carefully cut out a hole for the diameter of the magnifying glass. If the inside of the box is white, then it is best to paint it dark inside or cover it with dark paper.

DIY electronics in a Chinese store.

Now you need to carefully secure the magnifying glass in the resulting hole. Use tape or suitable glue. Work carefully: do not cover the glass with tape or stain it with glue.

Now you need to prepare a place to install the smartphone. Use thick cardboard and tape. Make sure that the angle of the smartphone screen is optimal and that the entire image falls on the lens. Refer to the photo below.

Perform the final installation of the phone according to the following procedure. In a dark room, move the phone inside the box and change the angle until you achieve a sharp, high-quality image on the wall.

All that remains is to make a hole in the box to output the charging wire for the smartphone and close the box.

Important: problems you may encounter when creating a projector:

  • poor image quality – try to adjust the position of the smartphone inside the box.
  • the projector does not work at all - perhaps you used the wrong magnifying glass, try using a friend.
  • the image is upside down - to correctly orient the image, use one of the mobile applications on your smartphone, for example, Ultimate Rotation Control.

  • Don’t forget to set the brightness of your smartphone screen to maximum.
  • Watch movies using a projector only in a very dark room, otherwise the brightness of the smartphone screen will not be enough.

How to make a 3D projector

To create a 3D projector you will need the following parts:

  • Pieces of transparent plastic or glass, you can also use transparent CD boxes;
  • Ruler;
  • Stationery knife;
  • Scotch;
  • Mobile device through which the image will be broadcast;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Glue.

You can make a similar projector in about 10 minutes as follows:

  1. First you need to take transparent plastic. In this case, a transparent disc box will be used;
  2. Then you need to make a pyramid, having decided in advance on its dimensions. A pyramid can be made by printing a template on paper;

  3. Next, you need to use this template to cut out four trapezoids from plastic using a stationery knife;

  4. After this, the resulting pieces will need to be glued together to form a pyramid. To do this, you can use both glue and tape;

  5. The finished design must be placed on a mobile device on which the image is open. The picture will be much better visible if you place the structure in a dark room.

In a bright room, the 3D image will be very faintly visible.

Slide projector

Here's how to make a projector yourself if you plan to view slides on it:

  1. Place a flashlight or lamp next to the screen (a white wall or sheet will do). Don't move it too close. A distance of about two meters is optimal.
  2. Attach a magnifying glass between the screen and the flashlight. So that light falls on the wall through it.
  3. If you place a slide between the lens and the lamp, you will see a magnified projection.
  4. You can create a single design from this. Attach a magnifying glass, slide holder, and flashlight to each other.
  5. To change the size and clarity of the image, move your homemade diascope.

It is only suitable for static images. This is not a smartphone projector on which you can watch movies. But if you still have old filmstrips, they will not be lost. This product is suitable for playing with children. You will show them interesting drawings and at the same time demonstrate the basic laws of optics.

How to make a phone projector from a film strip projector

Apart from the above projectors, anyone can also create a projector without using a magnifying glass. To do this, you will need to use a filmstrip projector on which you can show various slides. It is recommended to use a device that can illuminate the slides.

The advantage of this method is that it displays a fairly high-quality image, since the lens inside the overhead projector is already adjusted. To watch and show movies in good quality, you need a matrix, so it is better to use mobile devices with a screen diagonal of 10.1 inches.

It should be noted that if the projector uses reflected light to display the image, the picture quality may be much worse.

The process of creating a phone projector from a slide projector is as simple as possible, since you just need to put a suitable matrix from your phone or tablet on the filmstrip projector, leaving a small gap of half a centimeter. After this, the slide projector needs to be connected to a personal computer.

It is important to note that you must remove the matrix from the mobile device as carefully as possible, trying not to damage it. If the user doubts that he can do this on his own, then he should either call a person who knows how to do this, or use a regular projector made out of the box.

It is also necessary to adjust the cooling of the matrix, since it can deteriorate due to overheating. To do this, you will need to make sure that a small stream of air enters the gap. This is done using a miniature fan, which can also be purchased online.

How to Adjust and Enhance an Image

The process of setting up a high-quality picture on the canvas is quite complex and lengthy, since the user will have to try to configure the projector and its parts. This can be done without any problems by following these tips:

  • You can increase the clarity of the displayed image by painting the box black inside;
  • When making a pyramid for holographic images, it is better to use glue for soldering individual parts;
  • The brightness of the mobile device installed in the box should be at maximum. Also, if possible, you need to adjust the image contrast to the maximum;
  • It is better to install the image three or four meters from the viewer;
  • If the room with the projector is dark enough and the canvas is of high quality, then the picture will be as comfortable as possible for viewing;
  • The matrix from a mobile device heats up quite quickly, and therefore you will need to install a miniature fan next to it.
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