How to use an old and new pressure cooker

What is a pressure cooker and what is it for?

A pressure cooker is a hermetically sealed pan, inside of which a pressure is created that increases the boiling point of water to 120°C. A pressure cooker is needed to cook foods that require long-term heat treatment.

The heat treatment time in the unit is reduced by 2-4 times . This speed gives an idea of ​​how high the pressure is generated in the pressure cooker (0.98-1.04 atmospheres) and how high the temperature is in the pressure cooker (up to 120°C).

For example, peas are cooked in a pressure cooker for 15 minutes, not 90, as in a regular saucepan. The jellied meat is cooked for 30 minutes instead of 3 hours. This kitchen utensil is indispensable for residents of mountainous areas, where atmospheric pressure is low and, as a result, the temperature at which water boils decreases.

What can a pressure cooker do?

A pressure cooker is not just another kitchen gadget, but a very special way to cook food. Here are some of its advantages:

  • Reduces cooking time by 1.5-2 times. For example, peas are cooked in a regular saucepan for at least an hour, but in a pressure cooker they are cooked in 10-20 minutes. The shorter the cooking time, the lower the energy consumption.
  • It prevents water from evaporating, which means there is no need to add water to soups, stews and other dishes.
  • Preserves the natural color and aroma of fruits and vegetables, as well as more than 70% of nutrients. This is because in a pressure cooker food is cooked without access to air and is less oxidized.
  • Neutralizes the pungent odor of some foods (for example, fish).
  • Softens meat until tender.

How does a pressure cooker work?

The pressure cooker includes : a container, a lid, a rubber or silicone seal, a working and emergency valve for releasing pressure, and a stand for steaming. Modern expensive models are equipped with a pressure sensor, timer, thermometer, and a set of programs.

The device is a metal pan that is hermetically sealed with a lid . The seal between the lid and the pan is usually made of heat-resistant rubber. The lid is pressed to the pan by a spring bar that snaps into place with a lock. There are also designs in which the lid is inserted into the pan and fixed there by internal pressure.

A working valve is built into the lid ; it ensures that excess steam is released when the pressure rises. For safety, the unit is equipped with one or more emergency valves - they open if the internal pressure exceeds the value specified by the manufacturer. The emergency valve also operates to relieve pressure if the service valve becomes clogged or broken.

There are also electric pressure cookers, in which the pan is combined with an electric heater . In such models, pressure sensors are used, as well as controlled valves - they ensure the maintenance of a given pressure and temperature while saving energy.

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Advantages of pressure cookers:

  • cooking time is shorter;
  • energy consumption is lower as cooking time is reduced;
  • rapid release of pressure creates the effect of an “internal explosion” and sharply softens hard products;
  • preserves vitamins better, because the pressure inside is created by water vapor.


  • during the cooking process it is impossible to assess the degree of readiness of dishes;
  • opening the valves on a hot pressure cooker can result in the release of scalding splashes and foam;
  • a pressure cooker is larger in size than a regular saucepan of the same usable capacity;
  • clogged valves can cause the pan to explode.

What can you cook in a pressure cooker?

What dishes to use for

The range of products for cooking is varied and is determined by the chef’s ideas.

It is convenient to cook meat, soup and other hot dishes in an aluminum pressure cooker, since the water does not evaporate and does not need to be added. The meat after pressure cooking is softer and juicier. This greatly simplifies the cooking process.

Important! It is undesirable to use foaming products that create splashes during cooking.

Thus, they may cause the operating valve inside the device to become clogged. Such products include cereals and pasta, as well as compotes, especially apples.

A pressure cooker is convenient to use for preparing labor-intensive dishes that require a lot of time and attention. Its advantages here are obvious.

Reference. Products are cooked in it 3-4 times faster than in standard cookware.

Let's compare the time it takes to cook in a pressure cooker and other cookware.

  • Potatoes cook in 5–8 minutes. instead of 20–30 minutes..
  • Peas are cooked for 10–15 minutes. instead of 60–90 min.
  • Meat 25–30 min. instead of 60–80 min.

How to use an old style pressure cooker

An old-style pressure cooker of the “Minute” type is used on gas. Before each use, wash it thoroughly, especially if it has not been used for a long time. It is recommended to study the instructions for the pressure cooker and also check the integrity of the sealing ring, since if it is damaged, steam will escape from under the lid.

Important! A pressure cooker made in the USSR should not be stored with the lid closed - this can lead to deformation of the sealing ring. The lid is not dishwasher safe - strong chemicals may damage the sealing ring.

Adding food and adding water

The dishes are filled with food and water no more than 3/4 full . If you fill it completely, the valves may become clogged and break during boiling. Products that are steamed are placed on a special grid included with the pressure cooker.

Preparing to use the pressure cooker includes:

  • placing the pan on the neck;
  • moving the valve under the rocker arm, its ends under the bracket flanges;
  • turn the locking handle 2-2.5 turns.

Algorithm for working with a pressure cooker:

  1. Setting the operating valve to the desired temperature.
  2. Place the pressure cooker on the stove and heat it until the contents boil.
  3. Reduce the heat intensity of the pan.
  4. Remove the pan from the heat after cooking.

The instruction manual states that the finished dish is cooled (until the hissing of steam coming out of the valve stops) by periodically opening the operating valve or under ice water, which is poured onto the body. The user should not have any problems with how to open or close the pan, however, the manufacturer recommends not to apply excessive force to these processes.

Using a pressure cooker

We'll tell you how to use this useful device correctly.

Preparing for first use

Before using the pressure cooker, be sure to read the instructions for it, as well as the recommendations of the manufacturer.

A new pan should be rinsed and dried.

Advice. First of all, without covering the pressure cooker with a lid, it is recommended to boil the milk in it.

If the surface is not protected with a special coating, then this simple method will keep it from darkening.

Rules for cooking in a pressure cooker

A pressure cooker requires more careful handling than the frying pans that many people are accustomed to.

Be sure to follow these guidelines.

  • An empty pressure cooker cannot be used on gas. It must contain at least two glasses of liquid.
  • It is not advisable to completely fill the pan with liquid, i.e. there should be space left in it.
  • There is almost no evaporation in it. If you need to cook several servings of soup or broth, then pour a sufficient amount of liquid into it.
  • Filling with ingredients should not exceed 2⁄3 of the pan's volume.
  • If you need to cook rice, beans and other dry foods that tend to swell during cooking, fill the pan only halfway with water.
  • It is prohibited to place this device in a microwave or oven. A separate type of cookware is used for them.
  • The set includes a special stand that allows you to stew food with minimal use of liquid, as well as steam it.
  • Can be used as a regular saucepan using a glass lid.
  • Do not place the lid in water or in a dishwashing machine.
  • The seal, pressure adjustment valve, and other components are washed separately. This is quite easy to do immediately after the cooking process.
  • When preparing meat dishes, bring the water to a boil, then remove the foam and only then close the lid.
  • To avoid contamination, it is not recommended to keep food in it. Immediately after the process is completed, the food is transferred to a pre-prepared container.

Important! A pressure cooker is used for cooking; it cannot be used for frying foods under pressure.

If, for example, the recipe calls for frying vegetables, then first sauté them with the lid open, and only then add the remaining ingredients and pour in the liquid. Next, close the lid and cook under pressure.

How to use the new pressure cooker

A modern unit is an electrical appliance that does not require a kitchen stove - gas or electric. Heating occurs using a built-in heating element. We'll tell you how to cook in such a pressure cooker.

Modern models are often equipped with an intelligent cooking function and are already equipped with a number of recipe programs; to activate them, just press the corresponding button on the control panel.

The rule of filling a pan 3/4 applies to all types of quick-cooking pans - both old Soviet and modern ones. Products that are steamed are placed on a special grill included in the kit.

Preparation for work includes:

  • checking the unit bowl for cracks or chips;
  • placing a clean bowl into the cavity of an electric pan;
  • filling with water;
  • display of products.

Work algorithm:

  1. Setting the operating temperature.
  2. Select a recipe if the pan has an intelligent cooking function.
  3. Setting the cooking timer or delayed start timer, if necessary.
  4. Clicking the "Start" button.
  5. Turning off the electric pan after the dish is ready. This action is not necessary, because after completing the cooking program, the unit turns off and goes into mode to maintain the temperature of the finished dish.

There is no need to cool the pan ; the lid can be opened immediately after finishing cooking.

How to cook in an old-style pressure cooker: step-by-step instructions

If after inspection everything is fine, we’ll start cooking. At the same time, do not forget that you should not completely fill these kitchen utensils with food - a maximum of two-thirds of the volume. So where should you start?

Preparing food for the pressure cooker

Before cooking, you need to prepare the ingredients for this. Sometimes the box from under it contains instructions in which everything is written in detail. Let's look at the most common products that can be cooked in it:

  • Meat . Before you start cooking, season it with various spices. If you want, you can fry the meat in a frying pan before putting it in the pressure cooker.
  • Seafood . First, you need to rinse them thoroughly, and then put them in a pressure cooker and add at least 175 milliliters of water to them. When cooking fish, grease the basket with vegetable oil to prevent it from sticking.
  • Legumes . Soak the food for five hours in water without salt, and when the time has expired, drain it. Add clean water, preferably with 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. After this, add the beans to the pan and start cooking.
  • Vegetables . If they are frozen, then defrost them, and if they are fresh, rinse them.
  • Cereal products . Soak them for 4 hours in water at room temperature. But if you are going to cook rice or oatmeal, you cannot soak them.
  • Fruits . First you need to wash them. To prepare fresh fruits, you need half a glass of water, and if it is dried fruits, then pour out only one glass.

The main stage of preparation

After the vegetables and fruits are ready, you can proceed to the next stage - adding vegetables. For this:

  • First, place the food you want to cook in the pressure cooker and add as much water as required to cook the food.
  • Remove the safety valve before closing the lid tightly. Check that the closing mechanism works and that the lid fits tightly to the pan. Only after this can it be placed on a heated stove or on the largest burner of a gas stove. Turn on the burner at full power, soon after this the pressure cooker will start working - the water will evaporate, forming steam.
  • As soon as it reaches the required pressure, cooking will begin. You can control this using a pressure sensor, which will begin to release steam.

Important! Don't forget that as soon as steam starts coming out, you need to install a valve.

  • It is necessary to reduce the power of the heating element so that the pressure cooker stops whistling. Just be careful, the water should continue to boil. Record the time it takes for your chosen product to cook. The whole point is to maintain pressure in the pan while cooking is in progress. The valve will only work if you do not reduce the heat in time.

Reference. The safety valve is necessary to prevent the pressure cooker from bursting if you forget to release the pressure in the pan.

How to properly remove food from a pressure cooker

After the cooking time has ended, turn off the stove and reduce the pressure. This can be done in three ways:

  • Natural . It is used if you were preparing dishes that require a lot of time, for example, cabbage rolls. Even during the cooking process, you can begin to reduce the pressure. The total time required is 10–20 minutes.
  • Accelerated . You can press the pressure release button found on most older models. After it is lowered, the pressure decreases.
  • Cold . In this case, you need cold water. The pressure cooker must be placed in the sink and then turn on cold water so that it hits the lid. Let her stand there until the pressure drops. Make sure that water does not get on the valve. This is the fastest way.

Important! This method is not suitable for electrical appliances.

It can only be opened after the pressure in the pressure cooker has completely reduced. To make sure of this, move the pressure regulator; if no sounds are heard, then everything is in order - you can open it.

What to cook

Meat, vegetables, fruits, berries, fish - any of these products can be successfully cooked in a pressure cooker. Dishes are prepared without the use of oil, which means they contain fewer carcinogens and other harmful compounds. This method preserves the beneficial properties of the products.

The device is convenient for preparing complex dishes , such as jellied meat. The smell spreads less than when using a frying pan or saucepan.

Garden owners use an airtight pan for home canning .

What is better to cook in a pressure cooker?

Of course, in the time of our grandparents, the issue of preserving nutrients in products during cooking was not so pressing. Therefore, in many families, pressure cookers were used literally mercilessly. They stewed potatoes, cooked cabbage soup and other delicacies in them.

Most models are characterized by the presence of grates or meshes where products are placed.

However, the peculiarity of the “production process” - heating under pressure - indicates that it is best to cook soups or stews in a pressure cooker. Ideal foods for this device are legumes, whole grains, and a variety of cereals. Firm vegetables such as beets or carrots are also suitable.

It is thanks to pressure, which plays a major role in the cooking process, that the beneficial properties of these products are revealed, as they say, “in all their glory” and nourish our body with not just healthy, but also delicious dishes.

Meat, fish and vegetables should be placed in such a way that they are not close to each other.

For example, to cook chickpeas or beans in a regular pan, you will have to spend more than an hour. And the pressure cooker will do this for you within 20 minutes. As they say, feel the difference!

Or, every housewife is familiar with the situation when you want to make a vinaigrette, but because the beets take a long time to cook, you have to postpone preparing your favorite dish until the weekend. And in a pressure cooker, beets will cook in a matter of minutes.

It is important that the steam is evenly distributed and the dish is processed efficiently.

Even aromatic broth from fresh beef can be cooked in an hour. And you don’t have to stand at the stove for half a day and control this process.

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